Natalia Saharova
1.If you were famous what would your stage name be?
My day begins with a sunray when nature comes alive again,
when I open the window and the birdsongs please my ears,
I go to office, my daughter goes to school, my little boys to
the kindergarten and from this moment until evening is full of joy.
2.If you would attend a celebrity wedding which, would it be?
Book - I am a book among books a printed scroll in my lines lots of thoughts and words and in my pages every moment of life.
3.What is the weirdest gift you’ve ever received?
Russia represents the 7th part of our planet's territory, having
about 100 natural reserves, national parks, long rivers,
the deepest and oldest lake of the world, Lake Baikal,
architectural, and various monuments that are in Unesco's world
heritage sites list.
4.What is the most random fact you know?
For pageants it is not enough to have an atractive appereance,
it is necessary to be intelligent, to have sense of humor and
talent, showing a balance between internal and external beauty,
because the crown is not an adorn, it is a responsability.
5.What is the one thing you’ll never do again?
A mother loving its children, a famous lawyer, director of the
"Semya,Materistvo, Detsvo" Fund with the purpose of promoting a
campaign "No to Abortion" and charity work.
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